- CI
- Daesung Group soars toward a 100 year vision
The start of a new epoch founded on energy and cultural contents
The symbol mark consists of a circle, which denotes integrity and harmony,
linking three arrrowheads, symbolizing Dasesung Group’s
management philosophy of honesty, service, and enterprise.
-Daesung Group: committed to nation, society in general as well as the local community
-Daesung Group’s Employees: diligent and honest, doing their utmost as a result of continuous self-improvement
-Daesung Group’s Employees: innovative, creative, meeting new challenges and setting new standards
-Daesung Group’s Employees: diligent and honest, doing their utmost as a result of continuous self-improvement
-Daesung Group’s Employees: innovative, creative, meeting new challenges and setting new standards
DS Red : PANTON 185C
DS Dark Gray : PANTON CG11C
Gold or Silver